I love the WOMAN who is not afraid of being noticed
When I was a child I used to be very shy and emotional, but growing up this feature has gradually faded away in favour of a greater ease and command over my inner self, introspection and silence which have gradually evolved and intensified positively.
Words were not enough for me to express myself as I wanted and so colors came.
After Art School I travelled like a lonely and happy gypsy, constantly looking for new and stimulating artistic environments where to widen my knowledge of techniques and find inspiration at the same time.
My creations are the fruits of all my travelling and working with Art masters and artisans.
Personal memories and dreams, knowledge of different cultures together with my precious wealth of professional and human life experiences bring about and support my joy to create precious and rich accessories of an original style, with that touch of poetry and fairy tale that characterizes me and belongs to me thus making everything more beautiful.
Every product I create
I do it with a free and wild spirit, with the pleasure of making “different” products to express my personality and experience, which is firmly rooted in African lands but also dreams about the hot countries of the Middle East while keeping wonderful memories of the Caribbean islands and of the most beautiful European cities of art.
To me creating is a crazy joy, a tremor of emotion, letting the wings of spontaneous and euphoric expression free to realize my artistic products; for this reason my creations are never the same.
There’s so much to do
There are too many ideas to develop, and too strong is the need to realize them; I would never be able to make the same object twice.
Then colors must change, I need to let myself be captured by the feelings of “beautiful memories”, as if I were watching a good movie.
I work on blue, orange and yellow tones, red, gradations and chromatic contrasts.
And in what I create, in the bags I paint, in the necklaces I compose with materials and colors approached in a completely new way, there I am, more than ever, more than in any other word or speech.
I paint and create to contrast reality and keep my enthusiasm, joy, desire for serenity and positive attitude towards life that characterize me.
That’s where I find so much joy and motivation, in what I do, and it’s wonderful when people understand and interpret my work, because they are actually talking about me. I recognize myself in what they say, in the feelings and emotions aroused by my colors.
Eva Zuccolo: my “Curriculum”
I was born in Udine on March 14th 1965, but I left my hometown at the age of 20, following my inner feelings, restlessly striving for challenging and inspiring environments where to work and express my art.
I acquired solid artistic foundations first at the High School of Arts in Udine and then at the International School of Graphics in Venice, where I lived for about two years while eagerly taking the opportunity to attend the daily work of several printers and artists in their studios, in particular Riccardo Licata’s.
Since then, Venice has always had a special place in my heart, pervading it with a constant source of inspiration for my paintings.
Afterwards, I attended the Free Nude Classes at the Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia, where I was given an award for my satisfactory completion of the course.
A great contribution to my artistic development also came from one of my teachers, the Umbrian painter and sculptor Bruno Orfei, who supported me with precious advice.
Later on, I spent some years in Florence, where I discovered stage designing art. I had the opportunity to work for Scenoteck, mainly operating in the theatre sector at that time, and also to take part in the making of Eurodisney Paris…what an enjoyable experience!
In the following years I moved first to London and then to Milan where I kept working as stage designer for theatre and TV productions, thus gaining considerable and wide experience in the field: an excellent training for hand-and-eye coordination!
Paris and Prague…charming cities so rich in art and culture, with their worldwide-known museums I used to visit in great admiration and curiosity while selling my handmade necklaces.
Now I live in San Donà di Piave, where I devote to painting and creating my “jewels”. For several years I ran my own shop / workshop in nearby Caorle, a lovely seaside resort boasting as ancient origins as Venice. There I used to make and sell my art creations, certainly inspired also by the surrounding environment. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had.
2016 /2020
As for my painting activity, I took it up at a time of intense inner research carried out restlessly with an experimental approach, in the continuous quest for suitable and effective expressiveness. Moreover, through painting I could enrich and vary my artistic production of creative necklaces as regards both the study of new materials and the jewel’s structure, in order to create always absolutely unique products: firstly bracelets, followed by handpainted leather handbags with applications.
OCEAN SPRINGS, Missisipi, USA, The Pink Rooster Art Gallery, esposizione e vendita di gioielli e creazioni artistiche di Eva Zuccolo in Galleria.
SAN DONA’ DI PIAVE, Giardini Agorà, mostra personale.
SAN DONA’ DI PIAVE, collettiva con il maestro G. Di Venere e D. Borin.
PORDENONE, Galleria La Fortezza, Fiera D’Arte Contemporanea.
LIGNANO SABBIADORO, Galleria Aurifontana, personale di pittura.
GRADISCA D’ISONZO, Galleria La Fortezza, personale di pittura.
PORDENONE, Galleria Aurifontana, Fiera D’Arte Contemporanea.
GRADISCA D’ISONZO, Galleria La Fortezza, Collettiva “Invito al Collezzionismo”.
CARRARA, Salone D’Arte Contemporanea Trieste, Fiera D’Arte Contemporanea.
CREMONA, Galleria Immagini Spazio Arte, Collettiva Arte Surreale.
LODI, Galleria Oldrado Da Ponte, mostra personale.
CAORLE, Centro Civico, personale di pittura.
LODI, ex chiesa dell’Angelo, personale di pittura.
CREMA, personale di pittura.
GRADISCA D’ISONZO, Galleria La Fortezza, Collettiva “Invito al Collezzionismo”.
CORTONA, Fortezza Medicea Girifalco, mostra collettiva.
JESOLO, Cavallino, personale di pittura nella sala conferenze del campeggio San Francesco.
ROMA, Galleria L’Angelo Azzurro Arte, collettiva di pittura.
ROMA, Galleria L’Angelo Azzurro Arte, 1° premio “La Notte Bianca”.
SAN DONA’ DI PIAVE, Galleria Boato, mostra personale.
TRIESTE, Salone D’Arte Moderna, mostra collettiva.
UDINE, Galleria La Loggia, personale di pittura.
SAN DONA’ DI PIAVE, “Ortus Conclusus”, personale di pittura nella Sala Metallica del Centro Civico di San Donà di Piave.
DEN HAAG (NL), Holland Art Fair, Palma Arte.
GINEVRA (CH), Europ’Art Geneve, Palma Arte.
CITTADELLA (PD), Introspezioni Contemporanee, collettiva.
ALSENO (PR), Voci dell’Arte Contemporanea, collettiva. Galleria Palma Arte.
VICENZA, introspezioni contemporanee, collettiva.
UDINE, Galleria La Loggia, personale di pittura.
TRIESTE, Salone D’Arte Moderna, mostra personale.
LEVADA (TV), scuola elementare, lavoro di pittura sulle pareti della scuola partendo da un lavoro progettuale ispirato alle fiabe tradizionali dei Paesi del mondo.
GENT(Belgio), Lineart, Palma Arte, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea.
GINEVRA (CH), Europ’Art Geneve, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea.
ST. LORENZEN IM LESACHTAL (Austria), Galleria Stabulum, personale di pittura e oggetti d’arte.
GINEVRA (CH), Europ’Art Geneve, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea (Palma Arte).
LUSSEMBURGO, Salone D’Autunno, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea (Palma Arte).
UTRECHT (NL), Art Holland, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea (Palma Arte).
PADOVA, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea (Palma Arte).
PADOVA, Galleria “Arti Figurative” di Udine, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea.
TREVISO,Galleria “Cà Dell’Arte”, personale di pittura.
SAN DONA’ DI PIAVE (VE), Galleria D’Arte Boato, personale.
PADOVA, Galleria C.D. Studio D’Arte, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea.
VENTURINA (Toscana) esposizione in Fiera alla Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea.
PORDENONE, Galleria Arti Figurative di Udine, Mostra Mercato D’Arte Contemporanea.
LA JOLLA,SAN DIEGO (California) USA, Alexander Gallery, “All dolled up” exibition, Mostra di bambole da collezione create da Eva Zuccolo.
ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI DI PERUGIA, Premio- riconoscimento in pittura e scultura per il tipo di ricerca artistica e il lavoro svolto.
VENEZIA, Premio Internazionale Murano, Selezionata al concorso con la presentazione di un progetto realizzabile in vetro.
FRIBURGO (Germania), Schloss Freiburg, mostra personale di bambole da collezione e Quadri
UDINE, Opifex, Fiera dell’Artigianato.
TREVISO, Galleria “The Boy”, mostra personale di quadri e bambole.
UDINE, Galleria D’Arte “Morena”, esposizione di bambole da collezione (1° premio).
VENEZIA, Galleria “Venezia Viva” , collettiva di opere grafiche; esposizione di serigrafie.
UDINE, Fiera dell’artigianato.
PORDENONE, mostra nazionale di artigianato artistico. Esposizione di bambole da Collezione e oggettistica in vetro.